Pre-paid Phone + Automobile = Remote Starter

What happens when spare electronics , cold weather, and ingenuity come together? If your answer is “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn” then you can stop reading now. However, if you thought of a remote car starter that involves a pre-paid cellphone then you are correct!

Apparently, a gentleman named Dave created a remote starter out of parts cribbed from a pre-paid cellphone so that he would not need to encounter a cold vehicle in the morning. As told by Autoblog

To make it work, Dave removed the vibrating mechanism that would signal a call after receiving pulses from the phone’s circuit board. Then he wired the phone to send those pulses to the remote starter’s switch, and voila: two rings and the car starts up. He is no longer limited by proximity when using the remote start; as long as the phone gets a signal, he’ll have a warm car whenever he gets there. Total cost of the hack was $71.03, but that doesn’t include the remote starter unit you’ll need to buy and install in your car.

Source- Dave Hacks via Engadget

For instructions, see Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 on Dave’s blog!

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