Tag: Coverage

  • Verizon brings 4G LTE service to 19 more cities this Thursday

    Verizon brings 4G LTE service to 19 more cities this Thursday

    Today, Verizon Wireless made an announcement that it would be adding 19 more U.S. cities to its continually growing list of locations with its’ well sought after 4G LTE data service. This increases its’ existing number of major cities up to a total of 74. Over half of their goal of 145 cities for 2011.…

  • Sprint Announces New Service In Metro Stations

    Today Sprint announced service availability in the 20 busiest underground metro stations in the Washington, D.C. Metro System. The move promises to improve the workday commute for hundreds of thousands of passengers who depend on Metro to travel between their homes and workplaces each day. It also will make touring the historic sites of the…