As a parent, you probably are always thinking of ways to make learning fun for your child and Alphabet Find does just that. This educational app makes learning letters, numbers, and shapes a fun, interactive experience for children.
Find the Right Image
Playing is as simple as listening to the alphabet, number, or shape and then finding it in the grid of images. To play listen and look for the given letter, number, or shape, and then find it in the grid of images. If you need a hint, wait a few seconds and the correct answer will start to bounce.
You will be amazed to see how quickly kids start recognizing images. Kids have fun earning stars on every correct answer. As they progress through the levels, they can take up timed challenges.
Make Education Fun
Keep tabs on your child’s progress by checking out your child’s score card. Choose from three levels of difficulty. Alphabet Find engages your child’s auditory, visual, and fine motor skills. This app is a great way to help your kid develop a sense of achievement while they learn basic literacy skills.
Latest Updates
What’s new in version 2.2
- Fullscreen support and minor bug fixes
Product Details
Children (Ages 9 and Younger)
This application is designed specifically for children and contains no objectionable content.
All Ages
The content of this application is appropriate for all ages and contains no objectionable content.
Ages 9 and Older
The content of this application may contain infrequent examples of mild violence or mild language.
May Contain:
• Infrequent use of mild profanity or crude humor
• Cartoon violence or mild realistic violence
Ages 13 and Older
The content of this application may contain references to alcohol, tobacco and mild realistic violence, mild language, or sexually suggestive themes. It may also contain nudity within medical/informational or artistic contexts.
May Contain:
• References to alcohol, tobacco and drugs
• Simulated gambling or references to casinos and gambling culture
• Partial or brief nudity in a non-sexual context
• Infrequent use of mild profanity and crude humor
• Sexually suggestive themes
• Slapstick or cartoon violence
Ages 17 and Older
The content of this application may contain frequent examples of strong violence and strong language as well as gambling, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, sexually-suggestive themes as well as partial or brief nudity in a non-sexual context.
May Contain:
• Explicit references to or images of drugs, alcohol, tobacco
• Simulated gambling or references to casinos and gambling culture
• Partial or brief nudity in a non-sexual context
• Frequent crude humor
• Sexually-suggestive themes
• Graphic or realistic violence
This application contains content that is downloading real-time, based on inputs from the user or developer. The maturity rating associated with this application pertains only to the static elements of the application and does not cover any dynamic information (e.g. websites, friend postings, tweets). Dynamic content is defined as any content that may change within the application. Content can include animations, video or audio.
Product Features
- Develop auditory, visual, and fine motor skills
- Choose from 4 different levels
- Enjoy upbeat music and colorful graphics