Increase Mobile Camera Picture Quality Without Much Cost?

Have you ever had that moment when something truly magnificent occurs and snapping a picture of it is a must? Where you reach for the camera, only to realize it has been left at home, and  frustrated, you snap a picture with your cell phone and grouse about the poor picture quality? Or when it is a low-light situation and your phone’s camera quality is acceptable, but that the lack of a flash kills any attempt at taking the picture? If you have felt that sense of “ugh”, then a new technology by InVisage Technologies may make you happy again.

Most current cell phone cameras are made of silicon and use complementary metal oxide semiconductor but InVisage Technologies has spent the last few years developing its own film that coats the camera’s image sensor and allows it to capture more light. The current crop of image sensors only capture a quarter of the light that hits the silicon but InVisage Technologies’ QuantumFilm can capture up to 95 percent using a new layer of quantum dot material.

Not only would this technology improve image quality four-fold, the cost is also negligible. VentureBeat states that the the addition of an extra layer of material is such a simple manufacturing step that it can be done with the standard tools that are already present in chip factories. Little additional capital investment for a resulting 4x picture quality improvement sounds like a winner for all.

The video below is an interesting one if you would like to know more about this new technology.

Source- VentureBeat via Tom’s Guide

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