Sprint Arrive to get 7392 Security Update in May!

REJOICE Sprint users – for once in a lifetime Sprint has rolled out an update the in the same month it was release! Yes Sprint users can start expecting a Security Update. Now with that said we are betting it is the 7.0.7392.0 update that Microsoft has been working on and released in May. Not to shabby for Sprint as we usually end up waiting on an update for months and months end! The picture is a little hard to read but it does seem to bump the bootloader version to 1.29.651.03 (currently it’s at 1.25.230506.1), so who knows what (if anything) this will bring users of the HTC Arrive.

Considering we are just 2 weeks into the May update, Sprint’s timing on the Arrive isn’t half bad, especially considering this is their first update. I just hope that Sprint’s speediness is something that will continue with the other updates…(Mango)…Wouldn’t it be awesome to have the Mango release 2 or 3 weeks after it’s initial release from Microsoft? Tell me PPCGeeks, what do you think of this update? Small yes, important yes, how fast Sprint is rolling it out Priceless! Do you all agree?

Source: wpcentral

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